The Stillaguamish Cluster ELCA held a culminating event in February 2022 to celebrate the end of our 2-year “Missional Learning Experiment” grant project.
We had a wonderful time sharing what we had all learned and setting the stage for the future. We hope you are inspired by what we share to try something in your context.
Full video from the ELCA Stillaguamish Cluster
“Missional Learning Experiment Grant Reporting and Learning Event”
February 2022
The videos below are sections from the full event.
Part 1: Overview of the Event
Part 2: Overview of Missional Learning Experiment Grant Project
Part 3: What We Did
Part 4: What We Learned: Image of Tending the Garden
Part 5: What the Lay Leaders Learned
Part 6: What is Next for Our Cluster Work Together?
Part 7: What is One Thing You Don’t Want to Lose from this Project?