Churches. Together.
Welcome to North County Churches
a shared ministry of the congregations of the Stillaguamish Cluster in North Snohomish County. We fellowship with the Northwest Washington Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA).
5519 Phinney Ave N
Seattle, Washington
What is this all about?
The Lutheran pastors of the Stillaguamish Cluster have been talking for a couple of years about the challenges our small, rural congregations are facing—and how we might all benefit from working together in the future. It is clear that none of our congregations wants to merge or close. But we aren’t sure of the best way to partner and so need to do some work to figure that out. Our cluster has received several grants for a two-year experiment (we have completed the first year of work) to see if our congregations could benefit from working together. This newsletter-website will help us move this to a wider audience.